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New Features Available on Website

Published on 4/12/2013


1. General Club Announcement Details will now be provided in the News Tab. We'll also be providing Industry Announcements when we have them.
2. Meeting Feedback - Members who attended the last meeting can go to the Survey Tab and provide feedback on that meeting. It's short and simple. You can say what you liked as well as what you didn't like. We'll give you about two weeks to comment and then we'll merge all of the comments into a document that we'll call NOTES for each meeting. We provide the Meeting Minutes which tell what happened, you provide the Meeting Notes telling everyone what you saw and heard... in your own words. Here's your chance to do your own reviews!
3. Past Meeting Info - Click on this tab to read the Meeting Minutes for every meeting we have had. We have even included the November 2008 meeting at Gateway Audio that was attended by enough people that the Founding Members decided to go forward with starting the Club. In future, we expect to be able to provide Meeting Notes from those who attended. You can find out what happened, and starting wit March 2013, you can read a review of the meeting provided by the Member attendees.
4. 2013 Election - FINAL FEW DAYS TO VOTE. Please remember to vote. Go to the Surveys Tab and vote for the candidate of your choice for VP and Treasurer.
5. While you are at the Surveys Tab, don't forget to take the Survey on the new website!