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Music for Sale

Music for sale
Dan Terry

Final Notice CD Estate Sale May 6.

My brother passed away in late 2021. He left behind nearly 2000 CDs mostly classical, of which approximately 1000 are left along with some rock and other music. He also had a number of librettos and books on music. and other items such as a Cannon professional camera, furniture etc.I am planning on a one day estate sale for members only on these items. CDs will be $.50/disc. We will be serving light snacks while members are browsing. The date is Saturday May 6, from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. Since it is a gated community, anyone planning to attend please RSVP by email by May 5, and I will give you instructions to get through the gate and the door code along with the address and directions. My Email: The Condo is in the Brookhaven area.

Dan Terry

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