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PC Audio - Digital Files

Allo USBridge Signature and other pi transports
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many thanks to everyone by the way...all of this help is very appreciated

I am 100% on board on where this is going....the more, the merrier!

Sure. Assuming Eric is comfortable with this, I'm certainly game. We should expand the duration to ~90 minutes in case there are more questions.

I'll prioritize discussing Eric's use case and can entertain other questions once he's good with a direction and next steps for his system.

-- David

Maybe I can add some benefit to this discussion. I personally am interested in this subject... always great to know what David's been up to! Open discussions with multiple people involved can be very helpful!

I would be happy to set up a Zoom meeting for the designated time this coming Sunday and announce it to the membership. We have been hoping to have some specific interest group Zoom meetings and this looks like a good subject for one! Open Q&A on a subject which is currently on lots of minds.

John Morrison

President Emeritus, AAC

Good day!

Just got in. Sorry for missing the Zoom for today...word and all :/ And sorry for not replying to today's emails...again, work and all the jive that goes along with it.

This Sunday at 1600 hours EST looks good! I cant wait!.

Many thanks and thank you for your patience!

Great. You're going to want to get setup for Zoom anyway since many of our club events are being hosted over Zoom…at least until members are mostly vaccinated or otherwise comfortable meeting in person.

I'm on west coast time, but I'm free to chat for a bit anytime after 2:00 pm my time (5:00 pm in Atlanta). I'll send you a Zoom invitation separately. Kyle is welcome to join as well if he's free.

-- David

Eric -

I am local and available to help answer any questions as well. I have several Pi's actively working in my system, but David is the bit master, so please let me know the timing of your Zoom call. Always good to chat with him.


Kyle Stephens

Eric Frederick <>

7:23 PM (3 hours ago)

to PC


Thank you for your response!  

If you could field a call, that would be super. Pointing and clicking on this topic for the past month just confuses me more :/

I think the USBridge might be the route I want to take. I actually WANT to be sold on the idea of owning one, but can't find the correct path!

I guess I can do a Zoom call...I haven't been on one; haven't had the need, but I guess now is as good a time as ever!

Perhaps we can schedule one for tomorrow evening or Sunday. I'm sorta headed to work now, so presently, I'm outta pocket.

Thanks for your assistance in this. I've just been unable to find anyone to assist, which is a bit of a drag.

Thanks again.

Hi Eric,

It's never too late to get started. :)

I had the Allo USBridge Signature with me one year ago at our January, 2020 event (seems like ages ago, honestly). Link to the recording here.

There are a number of software solutions that support Raspberry Pi transports. In my experience, the best ones enable a division of labor which places the heavy processing work on a more powerful desktop PC. This work includes managing your local music library, responding to remote control apps, managing zone settings and what's playing where, uncompressing FLAC and other compressed formats to raw audio samples, etc.

With this division of labor, the low-power Raspberry Pi only has to copy digital audio from the network to the directly attached DAC. This helps to ensure reliable playback and to avoid processing noise from a busy CPU from adding noise to the DAC.

I'm happy to jump on a Zoom call with you if you'd like to discuss further.

-- David

Good day!

New memeber here. I'm a bit late to the game on this technology. Intrigued by Allo USBridge Signature and other similar pi-ish transports.

Does anyone have expereince with such devices? Would love to chat.

Many thanks!

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