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Equipment For Sale

Verastarr/Cinepro (3K6SE) and Custom Speaker Syste...
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Our club VP for Industry Relations received this message from Gordon Waters from The Audio Company on a fantastic opportunity to build a world class system at a bargain price. An enclosure will be needed for the included bass drivers and a crossover/equalizer will be needed as well. If you are interested, you can contact Gordon at:


Even though I couldn't make it to the meeting today- your message about Mike Powell, made me think of an amp I have here.

It's a Cinepro 3K6SE, which Eric Abraham designed and had built for him, by AB Systems. Later, after Eric passed away, Mike had control of the Cinepro company, and continued building a version of these amps for several more years. This one is rated at 350w/ch x 6 into 8 ohms, and 525w/ch x 6 into 4 ohms, and is bridgeable (each pair of channels). It also has regular unbalanced RCA inputs, and balanced XLR inputs.

I've known this amp since it was brand new- as my friend, Jon Waddy, ordered it from Eric Abraham, to run his tri-amped home stereo system. I wound up getting it from Jon, when he moved, a number of years ago. It's in fantastic shape.

I haven't got anything to use the amp for now- so, I would like to find it another home. I also have the speaker system that it ran:

- Bass: four Eclipse W1238R 12" subwoofer drivers (these were in custom in-wall cabinets in Jon's house- we saved the drivers, but new enclosures would have to be built. I still have the specs for enclosures for these, using two per side)

- Midbass: Two Woodstyle enclosures, each with four Madisound Sledgehammer 8" drivers, aperiodically-damped (using a Scan-Speak Variovent). These enclosures are about 30" tall, 20" wide and 15" deep.

- Mid/highs: Focal 7V313 7" Polyglas high-efficiency midrange drivers, and SEAS 27TFFC tweeters, with custom-built and tuned (using LEAP/LMS) passive crossovers.

This system was originally run with a Sledgehammer/Marchand 3-way electronic crossover and parametric EQs on the bass and midbass channels. I no longer have the crossover or EQs- though nowadays- especially since the amp has balanced XLR inputs- a DBX Driverack PA2 would be even better, as it would have even more powerful abilities for crossover adjustment and parametric EQs, than what we had before. Electronic crossover points are about 50Hz and 400Hz, and the passive crossover between mid and highs is about 2600Hz.

I am asking $2000.00 for the entire setup. Of that, I break that down as $1500 for the Cinepro amp, and $500 for the speakers and enclosures. The other thing that would be needed to complete the system, would be a Driverack, of course.

As for the performance of this system- we had it tuned out, to where using a measurement mic- it measured +- 1dB from 20-20000 Hz, at the listening chair. It would also play up to above 125dB without any hint of distortion or compression.

I would be glad to advise a new owner, on how to set this up, again. I would really be stoked to see this system back in action, somewhere!



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