I received an email from Jeff Hubbs about a music class he's putting on this summer, I'm posting this in case anyone is interested in learning about electronic music. You'll have to copy and paste the link into your browser to check it out since it doesn't look like this forum allows active links:
I'm putting together a new summer class called "Fundamentals of Electronic Music." It's planned to be six two-hour sessions on Tuesdays at 6:30PM starting June 13 (July 4 excluded) at North Decatur Presbyterian Church with possible seventh and eighth sessions devoted to student performances or just setting up some electronic instruments and jamming.
This class is going to start with first principles involving acoustics, human perception, music theory, and basic electronic concepts and will cover electronic music history and the explosion of the genre and associated instruments in the 1970s, 1980s, and beyond. Whether or not you play an instrument (electronic or otherwise) or even if you just want to come to know music in an expansive and different way, this class will entertain, enlighten, and engage you.
More information about the class and about me, a preliminary outline, and registration is at https://jhemclass.eventsmart.com/events/fundamentals-of-electronic-music
- I'd appreciate it if you'd pass the info on to Audio Club members or anyone else who you think may be interested.
- Jeff