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The Atlanta Audio Club (AAC) Welcomes You!
On this Website, you can find out who we are, what's happening next, and info on our past activities. Everyone will be able to read our Forums, Classical & Jazz Music Reviews, and find links to information of interest. You can sign up to receive meeting announcements, join the club, and pay dues electronically. There are pages for members only and pages everyone can see but only members can participate in. Scroll down for "Website Contents" at the bottom of this page.


Find Meeting Information Quickly

Next Meeting Information Pointer1

 Event Calendar DAC/Streamer comparison, Sunday, September 22nd @ Oak Grove United Methodist Church

Next Meeting +1 Information Pointer1
 Sound Image - Linn Demonstration has been delayed and will be rescheduled
Next Meeting +2 Information Pointer1 2a)Event Calendar HiFi Buys - DS Audio Demonstration, Sunday October 13th @ 2pm
2b) Trip to Western Electric - Delayed until 2025 
June 2023 Meeting Minutes
September 2023 Minutes
October 2023 Meeting Minutes
February 2024 Meeting Minutes
March 2024 Meeting Minutes
May 2024 Meeting Minutes
September 2024 Minutes
Future Meetings Pointer1 Coming Events - Check by Calendar Month

Local Activities of Interest - COVID-19 Schedule to be provided



For the Schedule

ASO WABE Broadcast Schedule of Archival Programs WABE Version
Click Here
AMS Schedule - Producer: T.J. Anderson August-November
Click Here

We provide this information as a courtesy to local audiophiles and music lovers. We cannot be certain that all of the information is correct and we recommend that you check out the events on your own.
If you have an event that you would like to suggest we show in this space, send an email to

Website Contents
A listing of the navigation tabs, a short description of the contents, and who sees them. 
 HOME  The website's Home Page   All
 ABOUT US  General info & membership requirements   Non-Members
 BENEFITS  Some of what makes membership worthwhile  Non-Members
 MEMBER SIGNUP  Step by step signup procedure  Non-Members
 NEWS  Latest happenings of interest in the Audio World  All
 EVENT CALENDAR  Scheduled Events - some events are members only  Members or All
 INTERESTS  List of individual club member interests  Members
 FORUMS  Discussions & Offers of interest to members  All
 PAST MEETING INFO  Past meeting information by year/month  All
 HOW TO Tips on creating and editing FORUM entries  Members
 PHOTO ALBUMS  Pictures from Club meetings and other events  All
 AAC VIDEOS  Videos from Meetings and Special Events  All
 CLASSICAL REVIEWS  Dr. Phil's Classical reviews for the Club  All
 JAZZ REVIEWS  Eddie Carter's Jazz reviews for the Club  All
 EQUIPMENT REVIEWS  Equipment reviewed by our members  All
 BLOGS  Not sure that we will use... but we have it!  All
 Club Document files (Some All, some Members Only)
 Members or All
 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY  Contact info for those members who allow it  Members
 COMMITTEES  Committees and their members  Members
 SURVEYS  Current Surveys and Officer Elections  Members
 EQUIPMENT LOANS  Club Owned Equipment and Process for Member Usage    Members
 FAVORITE LINKS  Links to other audio/video related websites  All
 CONTACT US  Send us a message or a question  All

For questions or clarification, contact Steve Gooding at